Soul Street Dance Company
Dance Master Class
Classroom WorkshopParticipants will discover their own championship spirit by joining Soul Street in fun dance and work-out drills. Soul Street workshop offers the opportunity to learn healthy, active lifestyle habits and have fun doing it. Sessions begin with a full stretching warm-up and close with a cool-down. Soul Street will teach participants the foundation of many dance styles and, very importantly, to “Catch” the rhythm and “first move” and dance in time to the beat. Different styles of choreography are taught that they can then use to create their own original dances. Even if dancing is not a career choice, the discipline and healthy work-out habits of dance give a focus that will enhance any life goal. A workshop has something to offer all ages and skill levels from beginner to professional, so whether just starting or tuning up mastered skills, a Soul Street Workshop is the place to be. Your championship spirit is waiting!
Grades: K-12
Workshop Length: 60-90 minutes
Participant Limit: 25 per class
Connections: Dance/Movement, Physical Education, Social/Emotional LearningNo Bones About It
Assembly PerformanceBy tracing the signals from the brain that tell our muscles to stretch and contract, we learn about the science of dance. Combine this with a dance fantasy of how we might move if we had no bones, and you have an energetic program by Soul Street Dance to connect to your health and science curriculum!
By tracing the signals from the brain that tell our muscles to stretch and contract, we learn about the science of dance. Combine this with a dance fantasy of how we might move if we had no bones, and you have an energetic program by Soul Street Dance to connect to your health and science curriculum!
When we see dancers perform amazing leaps and bends we often ask, “how do they do that?” The Soul Street dancers present skeletal features such as hinged joints and ball-and-socket joints, and show the audience ways in which our bodies can accomplish amazing feats by combining bones, muscles, and commands from the brain.Please Note: Classes should take place on a wooden floor – not cement. Participants should wear loose clothing and sneakers.
Grades: 1-5
Audience Limit: 450
Connections: Science, Dance/MovementTakin’ it to the Streets
Assembly PerformanceCatch the excitement as Soul Street Dance demonstrates how street dance has developed and evolved across cultures and how we can resolve conflict through dance. From Brazil’s “Capoeira” to New York’s “Breakdance,” students learn about the varied styles of street dance and discuss the distinctive features and origins of each dance. Be prepared to learn about what can happen when modern street dance meets the classical music of 17th century composer Antonio Vivaldi!
Grades: 1-12
Audience Limit: 450
Connections: Dance/Movement, History, Cultural CompetencyThe Bully That Found His Beat
Assembly PerformanceLife can be a challenge when you’re growing up and discovering who you are. Experience a performance about a young man looking to find his groove in the world, and the struggles he must overcome to truly shine the way he was meant to. This experience is a story about what it means to persevere through adversity. Youth will be motivated to become everything they want to be, regardless of the obstacles
Grades: 1-12
Audience Limit: 250
Connections: Storytelling, Dance/Movement, Social/Emotional Learning
Brandon Jones
Conquering the STAAR
Assembly PerformanceThe STAAR test can be scary and intimidating. Lessons learned in this program will equip students with a set of skills they will carry with them for a lifetime. Every performance is filled with interactive games, fun moves, humor, and Kung Fu demonstrations with easy-to-learn techniques. Brandon Jones has practiced Kung Fu for over 30 years and has been teaching martial arts professionally in Tyler since 1996.
Grades: K-8
Audience Limit: 200
Connections: Dance/Movement, Cultural Competency, Social/Emotional Learning
Mexico 2000
Fiestas de Mexico
Assembly PerformanceThe folk dances of Mexico presented during this energetic, colorful, imaginative, and thought-provoking celebration help preserve the history of Mexico by telling stories through dance and music. In presenting the most representative dances from Mexico, including dances from the hot and humid climate in the southeast, the northern polka style dances, the traditional pre-Columbian Aztec/Mayan dances, the authentic song “La Bamba”, and a colorful Fiesta in Jalisco, students will learn about Mexican holidays and enjoy beautiful costumes and music!
Both students and teachers will clap along with the music, get up and dance, learn basic steps, wear and utilize props, and will be motivated to find out about their own ethnic traditions while feeling the spirit of the Mexican celebrations.
Grades: K-12
Audience Limit: 450
Connections: Dance/Movement, Cultural Competency